The Four Greatest Benefits of a Dryer

Washing your clothes at the laundromat is only half the process of doing laundry; drying them is another story, often filled with shrunken clothes and wasted afternoons. Luckily, Liquid Laundromats has the solution for you! Dryers have been wrongly labelled as temperamental machines that will burn through your wardrobe if you’re not careful. The benefits of a dryer far outweigh the risks; read on to discover why you should use one.


You Won’t Waste Your Day Doing Laundry

Between lugging laundry baskets back and forth, separating the lights from the darks, and putting on load after load, the washing process takes a lot of time and effort. By the time your clothes are ready to be dried, you have likely run out of energy and enthusiasm. A dryer eliminates the hassle of hanging your clothes outside. Before you know it, you’ll have clean, dry clothes and a whole afternoon to do anything other than washing!


You Won’t Need to Rely on the Weather Playing Nice

Hanging your washing out on the line can be frustrating when the weather isn’t cooperating. One of the benefits of a dryer is that you don’t have to rely on a sunny day to get your washing dry. With New Zealand’s moody weather and summers beginning to act a lot like winter, it’s nice to know you have a backup plan when you can’t air-dry your washing.


Cut Down on Ironing Time

There’s nothing worse than throwing on a nice shirt only to find it covered in wrinkles. Using an iron to fix this can take time and effort you may not have, forcing you to find another unwrinkled shirt. Dryers eliminate the need for ironing. The gentle heat applied to clothing in the dryer helps flatten the material out and will avoid any wrinkles forming without using an iron.


It Won’t Take Days to Dry Those Big Bulky Items

Duvet covers, blankets, and dog beds all require regular washing but can be an absolute headache to get dry. When air-dried, these large items need to take up permanent residency on your line before getting dry. Air-drying these items not only takes up space on your line, but overexposure to the sun can cause colour fading and damage the material. The large-capacity dryers like the ones at our Pukekohe laundromat are more than capable of drying any of your larger items in a single cycle.


Discover the Convenience of Dryers for Yourself

Reclaim your weekend by utilising a dryer to slash your time spent doing laundry. However, as always, be sure to check the care label! The last thing you want is to shrink your favourite top.


Discover the benefits of a dryer for yourself by visiting any of our Liquid Laundromat locations across the country the next time you need to put on a load of washing. Our commercial dryers are fast and efficient, allowing you to dry all your clothes in one go. Try them today!