Don’t Let Allergies Ruin Your Laundry Day: A Guide to Allergen-Free Laundromats

Ah, spring! The season of blossoming flowers, chirping birds, and… itchy eyes? For many Kiwis, spring’s beauty comes with a not-so-pleasant side effect: allergies. Studies show that over 20% of New Zealanders experience seasonal allergies, and laundromats can be a breeding ground for these pesky triggers. 

But fear not, fellow laundry warriors! With a little know-how, you can conquer allergy season and keep your clothes clean and fresh. This guide will equip you with the knowledge to find allergen-free laundromats and minimise allergy triggers during your laundry day. 

Why Allergies Are Common in Laundromats 

Laundromats are a hub for allergies due to various factors—especially spring allergies. Firstly, the high volume of people flow means an influx of allergens from different sources, including pollen, dust mites, and pet dander, clinging to clothing and fabrics. Furthermore, the enclosed space and lack of proper ventilation can exacerbate these allergens, creating an environment ripe for triggering allergies. Here are common factors contributing to allergies at laundromat over spring: 

  1. Lots of People Coming and Going: Laundromats are busy places where many different people gather to do their laundry routine. All these people bring in allergens like dust and pet hair on their clothes. 
  2. Allergens from Everywhere: Because there are always people moving around, the air in laundromats gets filled with allergens. These can come from outside, like pollen, or from inside, like dust and pet dander. 
  3. No Fresh Air: Most laundromats don’t have good ventilation, so the allergens stick around in the air. This makes it easy for them to bother people who are sensitive to them. 
  4. Everyone Shares the Machines: Many people use the same washing machines and dryers throughout the day. This means allergens from one person’s clothes can stay on the machines and make it easier for others to get exposed to them. 


Woman smelling fresh clean clothes

Tips for Finding Allergen-Free Laundromats 

Not all laundromats are created equal. Here’s how to find one that prioritises a clean and allergen-free environment: 

  • Look for HE (High Efficiency) washers and dryers: HE washers use less water, which creates a less hospitable environment for dust mites and mould to thrive. Less water means less moisture, making it harder for these allergens to survive in the laundry room. 
  • Seek out laundromats with good ventilation: This is crucial! Look for facilities with open windows, air conditioning, or air purifiers. Good ventilation helps to circulate air and eliminate allergens from the environment. 
  • Find laundromats with fragrance-free policies: Some laundromats are taking a stand for allergy sufferers by encouraging patrons to use fragrance-free detergents and dryer sheets. This creates a more allergy-friendly space for everyone. 
  • Check online reviews: Don’t underestimate the power of online reviews! Read what other customers have to say about the laundromat’s cleanliness, ventilation, and overall atmosphere. Reviews can be a great way to get a feel for the place before you even step foot inside, helping you find a clean laundry facility that is safe, especially during pollen season. 


5 Ways to Minimise Allergens in Laundromats 

While finding an allergen-free laundromat is ideal, there are steps you can take to lessen allergen exposure, even in less-than-ideal environments. By implementing these strategies, you can make your laundry day a more comfortable experience, regardless of seasonal allergies. 

Choose Off-Peak Hours 

Choosing less crowded times at the laundromat can significantly reduce exposure to allergens. There are fewer people around during off-peak hours, which reduces the potential for allergens to stir up into the air. By scheduling laundry tasks during quieter times, individuals can enjoy a more peaceful and allergy-friendly environment. 

Use Allergen-Proof Bags 

Transporting laundry in sealed, allergen-proof bags is a proactive measure to prevent exposure to airborne allergens during travel. These bags act as a barrier, keeping allergens trapped inside and away from clean clothes. Individuals can safeguard their freshly washed laundry from potential contamination and ensure it remains allergen-free and safe for sensitive skin until it’s ready for wear or storage by using allergen-proof bags. 

Wipe Down Surfaces 

Before using washing machines and dryers, it’s essential to wipe down surfaces with a damp cloth to remove any lingering allergens and soap residue. This simple yet effective step helps eliminate allergen buildup on machine exteriors, reducing the risk of cross-contamination. By taking a moment to wipe down surfaces before use, individuals can create a cleaner and safer environment for themselves and others. 

Opt for High-Efficiency Machines 

Front-loading washing machines are preferred over top-loading models for allergy-sensitive individuals. Front-loading machines use less water and detergent, resulting in fewer allergens being retained in the machine after each use. Additionally, these machines typically have better seals, minimising the escape of allergens during the wash cycle. By choosing high-efficiency machines, you can reduce allergen exposure and enjoy cleaner laundry outcomes. 

Bring Your Own Supplies 

Bringing hypoallergenic detergents and fabric softeners from home is an effective way to control allergen exposure at the laundromat. Many commercial laundry products contain artificial fragrances and chemicals that can exacerbate allergies, so opting for gentle, hypoallergenic options is advisable. By bringing your own supplies, you can ensure that only allergen-safe products come into contact with their clothing, promoting a more comfortable and allergy-free laundry experience. 

Folding clean clothes at laundromats

Helping You Choose the Best Laundromats Near You 

Navigating the world of laundromats can be daunting, especially for those with allergies. However, armed with the knowledge and strategies outlined in this guide, finding an allergen-free laundromat can become a simpler and more manageable task. 

When it comes to finding the perfect local laundromat, look no further! Liquid Laundromats have many locations available near you. With top-notch facilities and state-of-the-art washers and dryers, Liquid Laundromats stands out as the best choice for allergy-sensitive individuals. So, start your laundromat journey by choosing the best laundromats across New Zealand!