Mastering Removing Tough Stains: Tips for Tackling Laundry Challenges

Let’s face it, Kiwis are a bunch of adventurous folks. We love hitting the beaches for a barbie, exploring bush trails for a spot of tramping, or indulging in a flat white at our favourite cafe. But all that adventuring can sometimes lead to mishaps – like a rogue splash of tomato sauce on your new shirt, or a suspicious-looking mark on your jeans after a sneaky slide down a muddy hill. Don’t despair! With a little know-how and some clever household tricks, you can conquer even the toughest laundry challenges and keep your wardrobe looking its best. 

The good news is that you don’t need a cabinet full of fancy stain removers to banish those pesky marks. Many effective solutions can be found right in your pantry or bathroom. The key lies in understanding the stain and acting quickly. Here’s your ultimate guide to mastering stain removal and becoming a laundry superhero! 

Why Removing Tough Stains Quickly is a Must? 

The quicker you tackle a stain, the easier it will be to remove. Ideally, you want to treat the stain as soon as possible, before it has a chance to set into the fabric fibres. Blot up any excess liquid with a clean, absorbent cloth (avoid rubbing, which can spread the stain further). If you’re out and about, try to find a napkin or paper towel to contain the damage. The faster you respond, the better your chances of getting that stain out completely. 

If the stain persists after your initial treatment, consider repeating the process or seeking professional dry cleaning services. 

Different Kind of Stains and 

Not all stains are created equal, and what works for a grass stain might not be the best solution for a lipstick mark. Here’s a breakdown of some common stain culprits and the best way to tackle them: 

For many types of stains, a commercial stain remover can be highly effective and is worth considering as part of your stain-fighting arsenal. 

Grass Stains 

These stubborn green marks can be a real pain. The key is to act quickly. Pre-treat with a laundry detergent containing enzymes, which break down proteins in the grass. You can also try a paste of baking soda and water to draw out the stain. 

Blood Stain 

Fresh blood stains respond well to cold water. To remove blood stains, rinse the stain thoroughly with cold water as soon as possible. Avoid using hot water, as it can set the protein in the blood and make the stain worse. 

Collar Stains 

These are built-up sweat stains and grime marks and to remove sweat stains, you can tackled it with a pre-treatment of a paste made from baking soda and water. Let it sit for 30 minutes before washing with a laundry detergent designed for greasy stains. 

Lipstick Stains 

Blot up any excess lipstick with a clean cloth. Pre-treat the stain with a dab of dishwashing liquid or rubbing alcohol (on a colourfast fabric only!). Wash with hot water (if the garment allows) for best results. 

Grease Spots & Oil Stains 

These greasy offenders, including grease stains, require a degreaser. Apply a small amount of dishwashing liquid directly to the stain and massage it gently. Alternatively, baking soda can also be used to absorb the oil before washing. 

Ink Stains 

Act fast! Ink stains are notoriously tricky, but applying rubbing alcohol (on a colourfast fabric only!) or hairspray (test on an inconspicuous area first!) might help lift the stain before washing. 

Red Wine Stains 

Red wine stains one requires a quick response. Blot up as much of the spilled wine as possible. Pre-treat with a paste of baking soda and water, or a solution of white vinegar and water (one part vinegar to two parts water). Wash with cold water. 

Tea Stains 

Similar to red wine, pre-treat tea stains with a baking soda paste or a diluted vinegar solution. Hot water can be used for washing white fabrics, but cold water is recommended for colours. 

Remove tough stains from clothes and make the white clothes clean again

Household Items You Can Use to Remove Stains from Clothes 

Here’s where the magic happens! Forget expensive store-bought stain removers. Here are some everyday household items that can be your secret weapons against stains: 

  • Baking soda: This wonder powder is a natural absorbent and can be used to draw out oil-based stains and freshen fabrics. Make a paste with water and apply it directly to the stain. Let it sit for 30 minutes before rinsing or washing with warm water. 
  • White vinegar: A natural disinfectant and mild acid, white vinegar can tackle tannin-based stains and odours. For coffee or tea stains, pre-treat with a diluted vinegar solution (one part vinegar to two parts water). 
  • Dishwashing liquid: Aside from liquid laundry detergent, dishwashing liquid is a great first line of defence for oil-based stains as it is formulated to cut through grease. Apply a small amount directly to the grease stain and massage it gently before laundering. 
  • Lemon juice: This natural bleaching agent can be helpful for lightening stubborn stains, especially on white fabrics. However, always do a patch test on an inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn’t discolour the fabric. 
  • Hydrogen peroxide: This powerful oxidizer can be used to treat a variety of stains, including sweat, grass, red wine, and blood stains. Mix it with dish soap or vinegar for enhanced stain-fighting power. 


Remember: Always test any cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area of the garment first to check for colourfastness. 

Different Stain Removal Process 

Once you’ve pre-treated the stain, it’s time to wash the garment. Here are some key points to remember: 

  • Check the care label: Always follow the washing instructions on the garment’s care label. Washing with the wrong water temperature or cycle can set the stain or damage the fabric. 
  • Water temperature matters: Hot water is generally more effective for oil-based stains, while cold water is better for protein-based stains. Check the care label and stain type to determine the optimal water temperature. 
  • Treat tough stains before washing with the rest of your clothes: Avoid setting the stain further by washing the stained garment alone or with similar-coloured items. Using a stain remover before washing can significantly improve your chances of completely removing the stain. 


Folding clean white clothes with no stains

Remove Tough Stains With the Help of Laundromats 

Armed with these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to conquering even the toughest laundry challenges. Remember, a little knowledge and some resourceful household heroes can go a long way in keeping your clothes looking their best. 

But for those truly nightmarish stains, or for particularly large or delicate garments, don’t hesitate to call in the reinforcements! Laundromats shop offer state-of-the-art cleaning power and expert advice to help you with your tough stains battle. So next time a stain seems insurmountable, remember—you’re not alone. Check the nearest Liquid Laundromat location for you and experience the difference!