Laundromat Hygiene and the Dangers of Ignoring it

Self-service laundromats have developed a reputation for being unhygienic over the years. In reality, they’re often much cleaner than your home washer. Ask yourself, when was the last time you cleaned the inside of your washing machine? Here at Liquid Laundromats, we clean ours routinely. Discover the dangers of using dirty washing machines and the steps we take to keep our laundromats hygienic for our customers.


Dangers of a Dirty Laundromat

Behind every unclean washing machine and neglected dryer, there’s a host of grimy issues just waiting to latch onto your laundry. Laundromats that shirk their cleaning routine open themselves and their customers up to potential risk. That’s why Liquid Laundromats takes the utmost pride in keeping our facilities pristine. Discover the importance of good laundromat hygiene and what can happen if ignored.


Dirty Washing Machines are the Perfect Breeding Ground for Bacteria

Washing machines can quickly become the perfect breeding ground for bacteria if left unchecked. While often not serious enough to cause illness, in more severe cases, bacteria can develop into a virus and be passed on to your clothing.


Unclean Washing Machines Can Lead to Skin Irritation

Washing machines see countless loads and just as many different types of washing powder daily. If left uncleaned, this mixture of powders can become a potent concoction for skin irritation. The chemicals in certain washing powders may be fine for some people but a nightmare for others, causing rashes and skin irritation. When using unclean machines, you open yourself up to trace the residue of others’ washing powder.


How We Keep Our Laundromats Pristine

Many people picture laundromats through a sepia lens covered in grit and grime, which couldn’t be more inaccurate! Dirt and hygiene meet at the laundromat – you come in with dirty laundry and leave with fresh, clean clothes. And the success of this adventure hinges on how seriously your laundromat takes hygiene. Discover what steps we take to keep our facilities spotless.


Routine Cleaning of Our Washers

We routinely clean our washing machines inside and out to ensure your clothes get cleaner, not dirtier, when you wash them. Clean rinse water cycles also run at least twice during every load. When required, our cleaners carry out routine sanitising and extra hot wash cycles of the machines.


Clean Surfaces Lead to Clean Clothes

Our cleaners work hard to ensure every surface, especially our folding tables, are squeaky clean. Grit, grime, and other airborne nasties tend to settle on tables, leading to your washing not staying clean for long. Regular wipe-downs of these surfaces ensure our laundromats stay as hygienic as possible.


Laundromats are Cleaner Than You Think

As long as your laundromat takes hygiene seriously, it will often be cleaner than your home washer! Don’t believe us? See for yourself by visiting our Liverpool laundromat or one of our other Liquid Laundromat locations across New Zealand or Australia. Our clean and pristine laundromats will make laundry time a joy.