How to Remove Red Wine Stains from Clothing

Tips and Tricks for Removing Red Wine Stains from Clothing

A cheeky glass of red wine in the evening is a great way to relieve a busy day’s stress, but a red wine stain can completely ruin the relaxed atmosphere. Stains will happen—the risk we take for our love of red wine—but a stain doesn’t have to ruin your night! Here we go over a few tips to help remove red wine stains at home and your self-service laundromat.


How to Treat a Fresh Red Wine Stain in Clothing

The best action is quick action when it comes to red wine stains. Blotting the stain with a paper towel and remember—dab, don’t rub! Scrubbing will only set the stain. Once you’ve blotted the stain, you’re ready to try any of the following methods.



Salt can do much more than stopping your pasta from clumping together in the pot; it can also be a great stain remover. However, you’ll need something a little larger than your standard table salt. Sprinkle large, flaky salt over the stained area generously, then try one of the following options:


  • Leave the salt overnight to soak up as much wine pigment as possible.
  • Slowly pour boiling water over the salt-covered stain for sturdy clothing like denim or heavy linen. Doing so will assist the salt in absorbing the wine.


Baking Soda

As with salt, baking soda is a common kitchen item that leads a double life as a red wine stain remover. Mix a few drops of water and baking powder to make your magic potion for red wine stain removal. Once brewed, cover the stain in this solution and allow the paste to dry completely, then wash in hot water and watch the magic happen before your eyes.


How to Treat an Old Red Wine Stain

So, you’ve spilt a little red wine down the front of your top; your first thought will most likely be about a refill, not a stain removal procedure. For those that couldn’t treat the stain right away, do not despair! You may still have luck removing the stain after the fact.


Rub Stain with Soap

Rub Liquid Detergent on the affected area.


Soak Clothing

Place the clothing in a bucket of cold water to soak for at least 30 minutes but ideally overnight.


Apply Stain Remover

Apply a stain remover solution to the wet stain and wash as you normally would.


Don’t let That red Wine Stain Ruin Your Night

Whether you want to attack that red wine stain right away or would rather enjoy a few more glasses, we have a red wine stain removal method for you. Pair these methods with a trip to our Palmerston North Laundromat or any of our many New Zealand locations. You’ll get rid of those stains in no time! If all else fails, you might need to consider making the switch to white wine.