Image Alt Text Washing shoes at laundromat – person pulling clean shoes out of washing machine

Tips for Washing Shoes at the Laundromat

Tips for Washing Shoes at the Laundromat No matter how cautious you are, those bright white Converse are bound to…

How to wash swimwear – Family having fun on the beach

How to Wash Swimwear Effectively

How to Wash Swimwear and Keep it Looking Good All Summer Long Everything we love most about summer — sunny…

Hand turning the dial on washing machine settings

Washing Machine Settings – An Essential Guide

Essential Guide to Washing Machine Settings Laundry can be frustrating for even the most seasoned washing veterans. It’s time-consuming, unceasing,…

How to wash a suit jacket – Clean suit jackets hung up in Laundromat

How to Wash a Suit Jacket at the Laundromat

How to Wash a Suit Jacket at the Laundromat It’s only a matter of time before your favourite suit gets…

Image Alt Text Wash clothes in hot or cold water – Close up of laundromat machines

Should You Wash Clothes in Hot or Cold Water?

Washing Clothes in Hot or Cold Water – Which is Better? It’s a well-rehearsed debate; is it better to wash…

Laundry mistakes – Man stretching a shrunken t-shirt

Common Laundry Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Common Laundry Mistakes and How to Avoid Them If you’ve ever pulled a shrunken jumper out of the washing machine…


Laundry Times – How the Laundromat Saves You Time

How the Laundromat Shrinks Your Laundry Time Laundry is far from anyone's favourite thing to do, yet it's something that…

Items that can go in the washer – teddies hanging on a washing line

Unexpected Items That Can Go in the Washer

Unexpected Items That Can Go in the Washer So, you consider yourself a bit of a washing warrior, having mastered…

An electrical device removing pilling on clothes

How to Prevent Pilling on Clothes in the Wash

How to Prevent Pilling on Clothes in the Wash You may not know their name, but you've surely seen fabric…

Red wine stain on white shirt

How to Remove Red Wine Stains from Clothing

Tips and Tricks for Removing Red Wine Stains from Clothing A cheeky glass of red wine in the evening is…

Must have laundry products – Liquid, Powdered, and sing-use detergent lined up

Must-Have Laundry Products Everyone Needs

Must-Have Laundry Products Everyone Needs To the untrained eye, the laundry aisle of the supermarket can be an intimidating mess…

Laundromat myths – woman taking clothes out of commercial washing machine

Common Laundromat Myths Debunked

Debunking Common Laundromat Myths From Fight Club to Friends, self-service laundromats have had less than favourable depictions in mainstream media,…