Tips for Doing Laundry While Traveling

Tips for Doing Laundry While Traveling

One of the downsides of travelling is having to give up home comforts, and one of these is your washing machine. If you are a seasoned traveller, chances are you’ve had to do an emergency scrub of some socks in your hotel or hostel sink. We’ve got some tips to help you get your laundry done easily while away from home and avoid last-minute panics of nothing to wear! Keep reading to find out more about doing laundry while backpacking or travelling.


 Plan outfits ahead

Creating a packing list and planning your outfits before you head off on your trip can save you a lot of unnecessary washing and space in your luggage. If you know exactly what you want to wear and when, you will be able to plan when you will need to do your laundry while travelling. Save an emergency outfit for when you are doing the laundry so you can avoid getting stuck with nothing but dirty clothes to wear while you wait!


Bring your own laundry supplies

While hotel laundry services take care of the whole laundry process, they can be super expensive, and not everyone has the budget for that. It’s always a good idea to bring your own laundry detergent when travelling so you can make the most of cheaper services, such as local self-service laundromats. While some self-service laundromats have detergent or washing powder available to buy on-site, they don’t always, so be sure to bring your own. Having your own laundry detergent also means that if you do need to do an emergency sink wash, you can get things as clean as possible.


Leave time to visit the local laundromat

If you start to notice yourself running out of clothes, start thinking about when you can get your washing done a few days in advance. While laundromats are a great and convenient option, it will take around an hour to wash and dry your clothes, so you need to ensure you will have enough time to get it done. Take a book or something to watch while you wait or scope out the nearby cafes.


Keep clean and dirty clothes separate

The last thing you want is to pull out your clean clothes and discover they’ve absorbed the stink of your dirty clothes. Packing cubes are a great way to keep everything separate and organised, without adding too much bulk to your luggage. If you want to keep everything extra fresh, pop a few dryer sheets in your dirty laundry bag.


Travelling NZ? Choose Liquid Laundromats

Whether you are looking for a laundromat in Queenstown or Kaitaia, Liquid Laundromats has you covered. We have over 100  locations all across New Zealand which have a combination of large and extra-large washers and dryers, so no matter where you are we can get your laundry done. Get in touch with us today to find your nearest location.